Thursday, October 20, 2005


just sitting
I notice my body

bottom firm on cushion
knees ankles feet firm on mat
a stable base

back straight and fearless
upright yet relaxed
strong and composed

shoulders back and broad
leave chest torso open soft and vulnerable
heart of a warrior

head up chin slightly tucked
stretch on back of neck
no room for stress or tension

shoulders ribs and arms
hang from upright spine
like clothes from a hanger

hands rest on thighs
dropped from elbows
open and loose

eyes gently open
cast down in easy focus
not too hard not too soft

sitting just sitting
in my body
I notice my breath

breath flows through body
in then out
ever unceasing

breathing just breathing
attention on the outbreath
diffusing into nothing

thought comes along
or emotion memory desire
label it "thinking" and let it go

like a small child
mind gently brought back to outbreath
again and again


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