Live as if...
"...Christ is coming back today" reads the roadside sign of a nearby Baptist church. I thought of some other ways to "Live as if..."
...the only time you have is the present moment
...all life on earth is precious
...this one earth is all we have
...we all breathe the same air and drink the same water
...relationships are more important than issues
...what you do for a living is not who you are
...everyone you meet is holy
and finally're a "human being," not a "human doing"
How would you live as if...?
As if my actions actually do affect other people.
As if my luxuries really do come at the expense of others' suffering.
As if my life matters.
There was a story on the radio about a young man who went to the middle east and slept in the church of the holy sepulchre. He awoke with the sense of spiritual epiphany and the feeling that he would live for only 6 months. So he lived in the moment, put nothing off, made peace with his brother. His last night he spent with his family, had supper and went to bed. He woke up the next morning feeling renewed, re born. When asked what he drew from his experience, he said that to live entirely in the moment, is to live without hope. Hopelessness is an intolerable human condition. Live as if this were the life you are given.
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