Thursday, December 11, 2008

sticking it out

tonight my best teacher has taught me about
this wonderful practice called "sticking it out"

through four score bewildering subtraction facts
and a stethescope, candle, two distracting cats

wishing to be somewhere else but at home
as my mind like a dog chewed and worried its bone

"just do it my way, my way is the best"
"if you don't learn it now, then you'll fail the test!"

as longer and longer dragged on this ordeal
a teaching arose with great tidings of weal

and once i let go of that story i know
about right and wrong and your way is too slow

we figured together, my teacher and i
that cooperation is sweeter than pie

we discovered another great opportune chance
to notice that being alive is a dance

that flows to its very own rhythm and yet
encourages each of us not to forget

that sticking it out, as in putting in time
means practicing patience, a jewel that may shine

and sticking it out, as in risking what's new
opens doors to the world left unlocked by so few

so next time i notice frustration and doubt
i hope i'll remember to

just stick it out

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Millions of the One Eye

if you take a walk some night on a suburban street

pass house after house each with the lamplight of the living room shining golden

inside, the little blue square of the television, each living familiy riveting its attention on probably

one show
nobody talking
silence in the yards

dogs barking at you because you pass on human feet instead of on wheels

everybody in the world is soon going to be thinking the same way

one thing I'll say for the millions and millions of the One Eye
they're not hurting anyone while they're sitting in front of that Eye

adapted from The Dharma Bums, by Jack Kerouac